Frequently Asked Gnome Questions and Answers
There are many strange and mysterious things in the Universe - and while they're probably not the most mysterious thing ever it's still perfectly natural to have questions about Garden Gnomes - particularly Just Say Gnome! Garden Gnomes. We've included some of the more common gnome questions here - but please feel free to ask us more and we'll do the best to provide a useful answer.
Basic Gnome Questions and Answers
What are Just Say Gnome! Garden Gnomes made of?
Well, most of the final Gnomes that we send out into the World are cast in a high strength cement - with a bit of sand mixed in too. Usually we also focus on infusing them with some universal Life spirit too and will usually chant 'OM' around them a bit to help harmonize their vibrations. However the original version of each of our Garden Gnomes is sculpted by our resident artist Steve Herrington from a mixture of materials. He begins with a bendable wire armature (approximate framework), then generally covers that with crumpled tin foil to build up the basic form of the gnome - and then the nearly final details of the Gnome are sculpted with Sculpey (TM) oven-bake clay - with a few final details added last - made with a form of sculpting epoxy.
For more complete details about the Gnome sculpting and casting process please click [ here ]
What are Garden Gnomes, where do they come from and what is the difference between Garden Gnomes and regular Gnomes?
That question can best be answered - at this info page: - The Story of Garden Gnomes and Regular Gnomes Too!
Will Garden Gnomes sneak around my house and do mischievous things at night if I leave them inside?
Not if you treat them nicely.
Will Just Say Gnome! Gnomes protect my garden from unwanted visitors?
Maybe, but we're not making any guarantees about that. [ more info. ]
* Is it true that Gnomes regularly talk to friendly forestland creatures?
I'm pretty sure they do. - but I also probably hear more voices in my head than the average person.
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